Alfred swooped up and out of the cavern opening.
Walker stood in the cavern opening and burned them with the Druid fire to prevent them from dragging him down.
Beneath it was a vast cavern opening.
The larger portion of the army remained grouped behind their prince in the cavern opening, a skilled army awaiting command.
Jean-Luc and Beverly stopped their breakneck pace as they reach the cavern opening.
Lights were extinguished, hoods removed from the cavern openings, revealing the night and the stars that had come over the desert.
Pointing to one of the cavern openings, Kadohata said, "It's this way, sir."
The wyvern's head snaked out of the cavern opening.
A dim light, reddish in hue, illuminated the cavern opening.
As she stood there, hands spread and smoking, a long skeletal neck swung down into the cavern opening, and two chilling eyes stabbed at her.