Glenn Brank of The Sacramento Bee said that the "cavernous" area was a design problem.
Just beyond is a cavernous open area filled with empty desks.
He blinked at the sudden comparative brightness that threw the cavernous area before him into darkness.
She scanned the cavernous waiting area of the shuttleport, searching for other travelers who might have made a similar food choice.
Breeding Section was cavernous carved-out area about 100 meters by 90 meters, with a high arched ceiling that sported hundreds of full-spectrum lights.
Her desk and tables and file cabinets were set in a cavernous area, much like a railway station, with no confining walls.
Her protests reached Lwaxana even before she entered the cavernous common area where women gathered during the day.
Taran'atar looked to both sides and saw a cavernous area, extending outward, up and down, left and right.
Then, seeing that the cavernous area she was in was too poorly lit by the feeble light to see more than a few feet, listened.
The summons so intimidated me that I arrived early at the courthouse on Centre Street and was directed to a cavernous waiting area.