Production ceased around 1912, but parts of the site remained in use until 1929.
The 1,200 megawatt power station ceased generating energy on 15 March 2013 around 8.30am.
The company was founded in 1893 and ceased business around 1960.
Lerwick ceased production of the pipes around the year 2000.
Filming ceased at the property around 1922, and the buildings burned to the ground in 1924.
The production ceased around 1997, and the factory has since deteriorated.
Private sales effectively ceased around June, but small numbers of cars continued to be built for the occupying forces until at least 1942.
Such uses ceased around the beginning of the 20th century.
Prices started to fall until a total cease of activity around 1970.
It was determined from the morning report that drilling activities ceased around midnight.