However, this ceased following financial difficulties which meant the club could not guarantee being able to put out a team for every game.
The services ceased following the last departure on 28 January 2011.
The group ceased to perform in 1999, following the death from cancer of John Fleagle.
The character ceased publication in the 1990s, following the general decline in the use of killer characters.
The company ceased business operations in February 2003, following the downturn in the aviation industry.
Publication did not cease following Kerr's death in 1813; the latter volumes were published into the 1820s.
In 1968 the brand ceased following a decline caused by the introduction of quartz movements.
Power generation from the station ceased completely following the incident.
Killan ceased operations in 1925 following the disaster of 1924 in which five men were killed.
During the final years of his life Copnall painted infrequently and ceased all together following a stroke.