The cases, however ended without any major convictions after McKeown changed his mind and ceased giving evidence.
Generous to all, he never ceased giving of himself for the betterment of his family and those close to him.
There was a sudden deep silence as she ceased giving tongue, and in the silence he suddenly started, realizing that another noise, too, had stopped.
He ceased giving public performances in 1960.
A special committee of the common council was established and in November 1893 advised the corporation to cease giving evidence, as the proposed merger was:
They will cease giving grants by 2016, and will cease to operate by 2020.
In the 1904-05 season it selected the Helms Foundation College Basketball Player of the Year but ceased giving the award after Larry Bird during the 1978-79 season.
He did not cease giving money to the group, though at the time he told some aides he might.
He ceased giving interviews to the press and television.
The EU should completely cease giving structural aid to the rich Member States.