The franchise ceased operations 41 games into the season.
The New Haven Eagles cease operations 28 games into the season.
But they shrug the matter off and cease their investigation into the reason behind their being on the scrub list.
The 2012 game was canceled outright, due to extensive financial and attendance shortfalls that forced the league to cease operations four weeks into the season.
This ceased operation after the entry into the European Union along with the abolition of tax-free trade between the member states.
After moulting they cease feeding and soon metamorphose into the pupal stage.
Thunderbirds ceased production very suddenly in the autumn of that year, six episodes into the second series.
History ceases to trouble herself about him after that abortive incursion into Gelderland.
Catherine ceased packing food into a bag and turned stunned eyes to Rolf, who groped for words but could not speak.
But the cycle ceased 1.204 seconds into the sequence.