I thought the website owner/blogger at least had the right to receive a cease and desist order before legal action take place.
In December, regulators issued a cease and desist order, trying to stop any further erosion of the company's assets.
But Moribund's lawyer's issued a cease and desist order.
A "cease and desist order" was issued last fall.
The Broncos legend, through his legal team, "strongly urged" the band to change its name, though there was no cease and desist order.
She said she called the town supervisor, who asked the Building Department to issue a cease and desist order.
The film's producers also received a cease and desist order for copyright violations.
Drawing distinctions between an enforcement agreement and a cease and desist order is more of an art than a science.
A cease and desist order can operate as a permanent injunction.
The mayor of Philadelphia filed a cease and desist order.