The congress's cease-fire announcement drew criticism from the extreme right and from splinter groups in the anti-apartheid movement.
Those consultations with the military command and war cabinet led to his cease-fire announcement.
And the lukewarm response in the oil markets to this week's cease-fire announcement reflects that uncertainty.
The cease-fire announcement implied that Iraq would guarantee the safety of planes carrying in United Nations weapons inspectors.
After President Izetbegovic's veto, General Morillon opened urgent talks that led to the cease-fire announcement.
Many critics in Israel also called the cease-fire announcement more public relations than real.
It was the first cease-fire announcement since the rebel group broke a peace accord in May and took several hundred United Nations peacekeepers hostage.
The State Department in Washington confirmed the cease-fire announcement.
The two sides made separate cease-fire announcements.
Israel, he wrote, comes to the cease-fire announcement bruised, conflicted and disturbed.