Music and sound art have long been celebrated aspects of mail art, at first using cassette tape, then on CD and today as sound files sent via the internet.
Numerous Sami festivals throughout the Sápmi area celebrate different aspects of the Sami culture.
The exhibit will celebrate major aspects of Spanish life, history and culture using state-of-the-art interactive technology, much of it probably based on CD-I.
What I like about Making Out and South of the Border is how they celebrate aspects of femininity - a celebration of excess.
Black choreographers frequently use jazz, blues and pop songs to celebrate aspects of their cultural heritage.
Online Exhibits are used to highlight Vietnam Archive materials and to celebrate or commemorate events or aspects of the Vietnam War.
That leaves the periodic specials celebrating different aspects of the music business - the Grammys and the like - and some are decidedly better than others.
The festival showcases new and established African and Caribbean artists, besides celebrating different aspects of the same cultures.
These large format (26" by 40") watercolor portraits of homemade and traditional deities celebrate aspects of the divine and of the human.
This collection features a series of breastplate necklaces that hang below the navel and celebrate positive aspects of war-torn nations.