Tomorrow was the Fourth of July, and across the lake kids were celebrating early, as kids are wont to do.
Thousands of them began celebrating early by swarming onto the field with 49 seconds to go, making it impossible to complete 60 minutes of action.
Two weeks later, in the Western Division championship game, the San Francisco 49ers led the Lions, 24-6, at halftime, and started celebrating early.
You can start celebrating Independence Day early with a concert on Saturday in Battery Park.
Celebrate early.
Who can blame people for celebrating early, or deciding to strike, when their prospects have become so bleak?
For their 20th and 25th anniversaries, white students from the class of '71 celebrated a year early, with the mostly white class of '70.
Does this look to you like a town bursting with excitement at the prospect of celebrating the millennium two years early?
Their latest accoster had clearly started celebrating early, from the flush on her cheeks.
If you hand in your essays at midday and you have a tutorial or seminar at three, it's not a great idea to start celebrating early.