Despite union claims to the contrary, he said, bringing the code into line with other Whole Foods stores did not change its commitment to celebrating individuality.
"It's a generation that celebrates its diversity and individuality," he said.
When we celebrate individuality, we let people choose who they are, be they members of a religion, free spirits, or something else entirely.
Initially the message of the WNBR was protesting against oil dependency and celebrating the power and individuality of the human body.
"We live in a world that celebrates self-expression and individuality, and when there's only political despair and humiliation, that's when the potential for explosion is created."
Rather, I'm resisting national standards - regimented ways of thinking and computing, directed downward from the top - in a nation that should celebrate diversity and individuality.
These communities generally celebrate pride, diversity, individuality, and sexuality.
That seems a bit at odds with the "I Am What I Am" campaign which, he said, lets Reebok "celebrate individuality in sports and life."
It actually is all about celebrating individuality and the fact that there's "nothing like being free."
The founders wanted to celebrate individuality.