One celebratory day, he convinces them that they should not harm Mahendra's family but they can do whatever they wish with Mahendra.
We've been known to indulge in a celebratory day at the spa or kick back for a relaxing mani-pedi, but apparently, we've been doing it all wrong.
Ms. Stewart also reminisced about riding up Madison Avenue on that celebratory day in 1999 when she rang the bell to open the stock exchange.
Basically, she said, she really doesn't like the marketing of holidays and that includes not only religious holidays but made-up, primarily commercial celebratory days.
The new line was officially opened in late 2010, for which the town held a celebratory day for the last commercial passenger train to pass through the town center.
However, (ironically) he scheduled the assassination of Dion, precisely for this goddess' celebratory day.
"It will be a celebratory day, but without the fanfare and the bands."
In addition, the buekorps have their own celebratory days.
For his celebratory day off, Einstein had requested a car and driver from the Princeton University motor pool.
London earlier this morning was thronged: the train from Kent packed with excited little girls and their parents carrying flags and anticipating a celebratory day.