It typically highlights yet another celebrity author who, having made a name for himself in some other arena, has now written a book about it.
She was what is known in the trade as a "celebrity author."
David Mamet may be the closest thing we have to a true celebrity author.
It's become common to assume that celebrity authors rarely write more than the autograph in their books.
"All in Line," his first book of drawings, was published in 1945 and sold more than 20,000 copies, making him a celebrity author.
Now, except for the occasional mention in a gossip column about a celebrity author, they don't.
That's about three times as big as any other in the college textbook market and rivals those of all but a few celebrity authors.
Even before orchestrating that campaign, Hugo was a celebrity author.
She refused to pass him the sugar bowl until paid, clearly not recognising the celebrity author.
Queens even lets its communities choose their own celebrity authors.