Confidential is seen as the progenitor of today's gossip magazines and modern celebrity journalism.
Even in an era of celebrity journalism, it is jarring to see the job of a journalist called a role to be played.
If there are no limits in celebrity journalism, should there be?
Lowdown is an award-winning Australian television comedy series set in the world of celebrity journalism.
"That was my first interview," said the intern, shining with the healthy glow of celebrity journalism.
The personalized tactics of celebrity journalism are lent to books.
The book teaches students how to get a career in celebrity journalism, based on Swanwick's seven years as a Hollywood correspondent from 2003-2010.
Working before the age of celebrity journalism, he did not gain wide public renown.
But then or now, the experience inside the weird world of celebrity journalism is pretty much the same.
Highly amusing as a record of changes in fashion and the rise of celebrity journalism.