(That tally does not include celebrity memorabilia, which are sold primarily in private auctions and estate sales, or stamps and coins.)
Once again, five male and five female celebrities competed for charity to sell the most celebrity memorabilia.
Other items to be won in bidding will include a two-day visit to a spa in Colorado, art, jewelry, professional services and celebrity memorabilia.
Darren Prince (born 1970), sports and celebrity memorabilia collector and dealer.
The few hobbies he is depicted as indulging in include driving, rambling, birdwatching and collecting celebrity memorabilia.
Bland then set up a company (Sportizus Ltd) dealing in celebrity memorabilia which, although initially successful, eventually went into administration in 2006.
Among the items up for bidding are performance and vacation tickets, signed television scripts, walk-on parts on television shows and celebrity memorabilia.
He also had a large collection of celebrity memorabilia, from vehicles to a lock of Elvis's hair.
Fueling the recovery were rarities, celebrity memorabilia and some of the quirkiest items ever put on the block.
Baseball items have been collected for a century, but have escalated in popularity as celebrity memorabilia did in recent years.