He was looking over at celebrity row as the ball passed through the net, egging everyone on as if it were a Game 7.
Wednesday night they were seated on celebrity row, cheering unabashedly for Patrick Ewing.
But as the club's slide toward the draft lottery continues, celebrity row may soon go the way of the Knicks' playoff hopes.
Spike Lee's two on celebrity row will cost $2,000 a pop.
Attention just seems to come with the territory, there in celebrity row, across from the Knicks bench.
Yet mostly in Game 1, the somnambulant masses were more interested in celebrity row than the Laker stars plodding to victory on the court.
The telephone starts ringing again: "Hello, this is Dustin, any room tonight on celebrity row?"
You don't necessarily have to be on celebrity row for a Knick game, but it's like that just to be in the building.
The Florida parents' section often looks like a celebrity row.
All the stars are out on celebrity row, it's the media capital of the world.