The topic continues to be raised from time to time in the media including illustrations of how celebrity trials in America are reported on TV.
The celebrity trials have certain elements in common.
The news media, as is now the norm in celebrity trials, was the main spectacle on Monday morning, numbering about 500 print and broadcast reporters.
Murmuring in appreciation, the gulls nudged in like gawkers outside a celebrity trial.
In later years, Tzigara took his main accusers, Iorga and journalist Stelian Popescu, to court, in what became two celebrity trials.
Three of the four people charged with murder in the plot appeared in court elegantly attired, as befits a celebrity trial in the fashion capital of Italy.
And no celebrity trial since then has matched that scandal - nothing trumps a woman scorned by a philandering diet doctor.
The solution is easy: Privatize celebrity trials.
Another is that every major celebrity trial, from Fatty Arbuckle to O.J. Simpson, is referred to as 'the trial of the century'.
"It's appalling, these celebrity trials," Karen Fleming-Ginn, a jury consultant, said.