The guests, primarily theatrical figures, are usually good fare for celebrity watchers, and Anna Sosenko, who has produced a number of special theater events, has also snaffled Jackie Mason as entertainment.
A Noteworthy Bird Stops By for a Visit Among celebrity watchers this week, Dr. FRANK GILL and his colleagues at the National Audubon Society rank pretty high.
The plan is to have the guests arrive in the late afternoon, walk down the carpet surrounded by the usual photographers and celebrity watchers, and then enter for dinner.
At the time of the Emmy Awards last year, celebrity watchers had been gossiping about whether the "Will & Grace" star Debra Messing was pregnant.
Sapore di Mare, however, is considered a Mecca for celebrity watchers.
Allmovie wrote, "Cheerleader Camp won't hold pleasure for any except the most dedicated Z-level celebrity watchers."
Fortunately for celebrity watchers, these places are within walking distance of each other, and they are likely to give Greenwich Village a newfound panache.
It was enough to make full-time celebrity watchers as well as full-time celebrities do double takes on Saturday at the premiere of the film "Insomnia" at the TriBeCa Film Festival.
The store, on Matilija Street two blocks from the Arcade, is something of a haunt for celebrity watchers.