The big ship moved forward, the celestial images on the screen gradually growing larger as a result.
Everywhere, the Mayans stood gaping at the celestial image.
The show uses a digital video system that projects celestial images across the 67-foot-wide hemispheric dome of the planetarium.
The gods were also believed to present themselves in the celestial images of the planets or stars with whom they were associated.
As for church interiors, each was a flickering gallery of celestial images, culminating in a floor-to-ceiling wall of icons called the iconostasis.
While it is possible to obtain celestial images, the camera's full power has yet to be seen.
At other times, her playing evokes celestial images of "comets and asteroids zooming through space...with the music becoming a springboard for...playful fantasies."
Like Jerusalem, I will just have to live with it as the nearest thing to a celestial image that I will ever know.
In this show, its celestial image is unique.
As a multi-media work, celestial images by David Malin are included.