Crystals are particularly prized as piedras encantadas, as they are thought to be of a celestial origin.
The priest Agahnim became a wizard, and his background, which originally implied that he was sent by the gods, was altered to remove any celestial origin.
In addition, as if to remind us of the celestial origin of the phenomenon, the news of yet another manifestation came through on the radio bulletins.
Mr Pitt, in bronze, on the top, with no trace of his celestial origin' about him, guarded the unattainable treasure like an enchanted Moor.
It usually is described as horned and winged, although the wings are more an indicator of its celestial origin than an essential form of the creature.
Providing astronomers with a new window on celestial origins, ALMA will probe the first stars and galaxies and directly image the formation of planets.
People were fond of ascribing a celestial origin to this king of rivers.
This is the river so famous in antiquity, the rival of the Nile, to which pagan superstition ascribed a celestial origin.
The Doctrine is spiritual out of celestial origin not out of rational origin.
It is most fitting that Vulcan makes the enchanted swords out of meteoric iron since celestial origins give this material a special mystical prestige.