This gives the telescope an equatorial mount which allows tracking of celestial sources for up to ten hours in the east-west direction.
About 250 celestial sources of ultraviolet light and X-rays were supposed to have been studied, including galaxies, quasars and a supernova.
What appears to you to emanate from a celestial source, seems to me to proceed from one far less pure.
In astronomy, air mass (or airmass) is the optical path length through Earth's atmosphere for light from a celestial source.
Thus, working together, they covered a wide field of view, but could localize celestial sources with a precision determined by their 1.7 narrow fields.
Here at the celestial source of the Great Material River, there was no need for that oh-so-precious metal to be debased by being pressed with gold.
Politicians have cast it as evidence of the indomitable spirit of a rock-solid America; pastors have given credit to a more celestial source.
Sensitivity to celestial sources was severely limited by the high intrinsic detector background.
Clare, immensely relieved that the blame was to be attributed to celestial sources, smiled wanly at Graham.
It is indeed strange that it took so long to recognise that radio waves were reaching us from celestial sources.