Due to advanced nanotechnology, microscopic nanomeds can be put into peoples bodies to manage cell repair and delay aging.
What Earth had sent them-new programming for nanotechnological cell repair under cold sleep-still acted perfectly.
LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to other parts of the body where it is needed for cell repair and other activities.
Protein is necessary for cell repair and helps keep aging in check.
Natural systems show us only lower bounds to the possible, in cell repair as in everything else.
To a public and a medical community that has known nothing about the prospects for cell repair, this has made frozen biostasis seem pointless.
With or without biostasis, cell repair cannot bring immortality.
Biostasis followed by cell repair thus seems to raise no fundamental theology.
As molecular technology advances, understanding of cell repair will spread through the popular culture.
The idea of biostasis, to those who know nothing about cell repair and confuse expiration with dissolution, will sound absurd.