The early cells resulting from this fertilization are "totipotent," that is, any one of them could develop into a fetus.
They produce calcified scales, known as coccoliths, which are deposited on the surface of the cell resulting in the formation of a coccosphere.
These adjuvants interact with membranes of immune cells resulting in cytokine induction, which enhances antigen uptake, processing and presentation.
As occurs in other autoimmune diseases, the immune system attacks the body's cells and tissue, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage.
The brain's functions are also disrupted by cell swelling, resulting in respiratory arrest among other symptoms.
Set aside any single cells resulting from this manipulation and subject the remaining aggregates and other embryos to further pipetting until disaggregation is complete.
Stiles refuses to participate and goes back to his cell resulting in the "mule" getting arrested.
Tesla disclosed that the new cell resulting from its collaboration with Panasonic will allow Tesla to continue using cells from multiple suppliers.
In other words, it is an alteration in the membrane potential of a cell resulting from activation of a synaptic input.
Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease that causes loss of melanocytes which are pigment-producing cells, resulting in irregular pale or white patches of skin.