This sentence is imposed by the fact that a cell cannot store reserves of oxygen and nutrients.
So the cell isn't storing a 0 or a 1.
Once information reaches one of these brain regions, what memory allocation mechanisms determine which cells will be engaged to process and even store this information?
High levels of calcitriol "tell" fat cells to store themselves in the body, he says.
Each cell has a numbered "address" and can store a single number.
They have large central vacuoles, which allow the cells to store and regulate ions, waste products, and water.
This led to a much wider use of cryopreservation today, with many organs, tissues and cells routinely stored at low temperatures.
Other scientists disagree, saying the cells may simply be storing and releasing energy much like a battery.
In this article, we will look at how fat cells store fat and how they get rid of it.
His cells also store yellow sun energy so he can use his powers under objects, at night, in dark places, and in space.