On the flickering screen just to the right, light suddenly reflected from something in the black hole of the cell-like room.
In a small, cell-like room with high barred windows his flashlight revealed the tall figure of a girl.
A bit further on, I passed the closed door to my old cell-like room.
The long, slow ticking of a single minute in the cell-like room.
As the door slammed shut, the boys looked around the bare cell-like room, then started in surprise.
But the night passed away silently and no one came to disturb them in their cell-like room.
In the early hours of the morning I awoke to find someone in my cell-like room.
Plans call for the 641 cell-like rooms to be turned into 326 studios.
These could well be cell-like rooms, such as Madge had mentioned.
At the end of the tunnel, only yards away, was a little cell-like room.