While an obstacle to aid workers, the village's high altitude made for a clear cellphone connection.
I found minor glitches: I was sometimes unable to get a cellphone connection in Midtown Manhattan.
Cingular will not offer an iTunes service for buying songs directly over a cellphone connection.
I'm pretty sure there's hardly any cellphone connection in there.
Reached again by telephone on Tuesday, Mr. Garcia said that because of a poor cellphone connection, he had misunderstood the original questions put to him about his identity.
The loudness you adopt in response to a bad cellphone connection, in the misguided hope that talking louder will improve the connection.
The audio, which like the video suffers from the slow broadcast rate, was roughly on par with a bad cellphone connection.
Mr. Blattmachr was on an airplane last night and his cellphone connection was disrupted before he could comment.
Those generally require a ground-based cellphone connection.
Fifteen minutes after his cellphone connection failed, Mr. Lowe calls back.