She was doing well enough; we talked to her often until the cellphone coverage gave out somewhere past Laredo.
Maybe because cellphone coverage is limited.
"While cellphone coverage can be spotty - particularly when trying to conduct a conference call with India - it's still better than on a plane."
Basic cellphone coverage remains spotty/or non-existent throughout the entire town and is mostly unusable.
Thirty miles from the nearest cellphone coverage or espresso stand, you can sit by the water's hem and wrangle with the Big Ideas.
The state's hilly terrain also makes it difficult to ensure cellphone coverage, and many involved in the effort said this made the notion of statewide service impossible.
When cellphone coverage exists this can be achieved through cellphone contact and this helps to reduce costs further.
You can imagine how discombobulated he was the other day, when his cellphone coverage stopped working on his birthday.
The great outdoors, the fresh air - and the spotty cellphone coverage.
We all accepted bad cellphone coverage and billing errors at the beginning of the high-tech revolution (not to mention computers that crash).