The company expects to sign up 2 million new cellphone customers this year instead of its earlier forecast of 1.9 million.
The combined company has 58 million cellphone customers, 67.5 million phone lines and 11.5 million broadband users.
Half its cellphone customers use their mobile phones at home.
The competition intensified last November after federal rules went into effect that allow cellphone customers to keep their phone numbers when they switch providers.
Sometimes, the only way a cellphone customer can learn the cost of text messaging is to ask, according to industry experts.
In November new rules went into effect that also allow cellphone customers to take their number with them when switching carriers.
Like some younger users, many older cellphone customers blame the technology for the loss of civility in public life.
Rogers Communications, the Canadian wireless phone service provider, reported a 17.8 percent decline in growth of cellphone customers yesterday.
A monthly surcharge is added to the bills of cellphone customers in the state to support the handling of emergency calls.
A merger would create a powerful competitor in the field with some 39 million cellphone customers.