The Kasbah has decent cellphone reception, but no land lines for guests.
But poor cellphone reception in all or part of many houses can make the idea technically unfeasible.
Problems with cellphone reception at your Arizona ranch?
RCA suggests that the dock be placed in an area with good cellphone reception.
The bombs were probably not detonated with telephone calls because the depth of the Underground makes cellphone reception almost impossible.
Mr. Jacklitsch has no television set, and the cellphone reception is lousy.
The town, in a narrow valley in southern Vermont, has no cellphone reception.
The town gets no cellphone reception, and there is no other pay phone for miles.
His passions are ours: smarts, self-improvement, social welfare and better cellphone reception for all.
There would be no cellphone reception there and they would have to go to the old woman's house in order to make calls.