"Everyone will look back and wonder why we ever bothered with cellphone towers."
One major complaint is that there's no cellphone tower, and none is on the horizon.
Usually, however, those surprises do not include the neighbor's deciding to put up a cellphone tower that is about 10 stories tall.
Connecticut law has firmly established that municipalities have no real say over the placement of cellphone towers.
"How do you throw up a cellphone tower in someone's backyard?"
If it were a statue or a cellphone tower, the emotional reaction would be different.
A cellphone tower in the shape of a cross is planned for the site.
For example, farmers, he said, have recently been renting out space for cellphone towers to make extra money.
You can conjure a storm to blow down local cellphone towers.
Many people view bare cellphone towers as ugly and an intrusion into their neighbourhoods.