The chemical instability of cellulose nitrate material, unrecognized at the time of its introduction, has since become a major threat for film collections.
There's a good case for using wood-based cellulose materials for food packaging that is not derived from fossil carbon.
Acetolysis was developed by Gunnar Erdtman and his brother to remove these fine cellulose materials by dissolving them.
The solid insulation is commonly constructed of cellulose material.
Customers could send in a coupon and $1.25 to receive a dress made of "Dura-Weve", a cellulose material patented in 1958.
In its ad, P.& G. stresses the compostability of the cellulose material that makes up most of a disposable diaper.
"At a landfill, these materials wind up causing methane gas emissions and contributing to the breakdown of other cellulose materials, which release greenhouse gases," Dr. Hershkowitz said.
Termites are attracted by any cellulose material in contact with soil.
They feed on cellulose material such as the structural wood in buildings, wooden fixtures, paper, books and cotton.
These stations are baited with a cellulose material impregnated with noviflumuron, an insect growth regulator.