It was acquired by Holcim, a leading Swiss cement maker, in 2005.
The forces that have created market distortions like these appear ready to sacrifice the nori growers to satisfy the cement makers and general contractors.
Giant, a cement maker, owns 23 percent of Barris's stock but controls 55 percent of the vote.
Environment groups contest that cement makers, eager for new sources of limestone, have been the main driving force behind the Gujarat state government's actions.
Moreover, he said, some foreign companies are in the market for American cement makers.
But two weeks later, the Mexican company bought another Spanish cement maker, investors complained again, and the stock fell once more.
The Mexican cement maker Cemex said its sales for the second quarter rose 7 percent to $1.9 billion.
Southdown, a cement maker based in Houston, had offered $31 a share for the company.
And who ever thought of day-trading a steel company or a cement maker?
That much carbon troubles cement makers and users.