The few who had tried to defy the government were shut down because they violated the censorship rules.
The Government has twice warned the newspaper in recent months that it faced a possible three-month suspension for violating censorship rules.
The government has put nearly everything else up for an overhaul, too, from censorship rules to foreign investment restrictions.
She was asked to watch the episode being produced to ensure that it did not breach any of the network's censorship rules.
The channel demanded to be provided with an edited version of the video which would not violate censorship rules.
Newspapers interpreted the order as a further tightening of the censorship rules, which stifle most reporting about the Government's black adversaries.
The Western Australian censorship rules are similar to those in Queensland.
Intimidation and "self-regulation" are, in fact, critical to how the party communicates its censorship rules to private-sector Internet companies.
Although the Iranian film industry is flourishing, its filmmakers have operated under severe censorship rules, both before and after the revolution.
Last month he also asked Judge Gesell to reconsider some censorship rules to further protect secrets.