A census category recognized as an ethnic group.
Mulatto existed as an official census category until 1930.
Faced with the unfamiliar census categories, they are likely to check "other."
Although social class is one of the census categories (see Chapter 2), it is not widely used in the publication of official statistics on education.
In agriculture and related activities, women only make up 18.2% of the total workforce, but this is a vast under-estimate because of inadequate census categories.
Two economic census categories address the satellite industry.
Separate census categories pertain to businesses primarily engaged in producing programming.
As you note, the Census will reallocate those who identified themselves as "other race" among the four recognized census categories.
The national group, also known as I-Pride, is lobbying for a census category of "mixed race."
The term has always been disputed by scholars, he said, and is not an official census category.