According to the census made by Statistics Mauritius in 2011, the population of the town was at 105,559.
It is one of the most populated villages in Mauritius, according to the census made by Statistics Mauritius in 2011, the population was at 20,712.
An account of this fact was written by the first census made by the North Borneo Company in Sabah, 1881.
The population is one of the lowest in Mauritius, according to the census made by Statistics Mauritius in 2011, the population was at 783.
According to the latest census made in 2007, it has a population of 87,912 people.
Frielas has an area of 5.63 km2, 2676 inhabitants according to the census made in 2001 and a density of 475 inhabitants per km2.
The population was 1,130 at the 2005 census made by the INEGI.
The adult literacy rate for both sexes was estimated at 89.8% according to the census made by Statistics Mauritius in 2011.
According to another census made in 1846, the population had risen to 223 inhabitants and there were a total of 58 houses.
The municipality of Lissone had a population of 32,177 inhabitants accordingly to the results of the national census made in 1991.