Based on 2000 census statistics, there are 1.32 million people age 55 to 74 in the state, or about 15.8 percent of the population.
From 1990 to 2000 the county's population grew more than 60 percent, to 18,251, according to census statistics.
Census statistics from 2005 state that 9.52% of the population is not Italian.
According to the 2006 Census statistics, the county has 11 towns with a population of over 4,000.
Amol county has a population of 360,409 according to the 2010 national census statistics.
Other countries which have a population register use this as a basis for all the census statistics needed by users.
Census statistics are also used in order to apportion federal funding for many social and economic programs.
These census statistics are further borne out by the testimony at the land hearings.
Prior to 1971, Aboriginal people who form a majority of the population were not counted in census statistics.
According to census statistics, the population grew 5 percent during that time; it remained 93 percent white.