This is a 2.5 per cent decrease on the number of households who made homeless applications in 2009-10.
This was a 9.9 per cent decrease from the number of tourists arriving in 2008.
Rohm & Haas reported net profits of $29.5m last year, a 20 per cent decrease from 190.
Since 1961 there has been a 19 per cent decrease in the mortality rates for males aged 65 - 74.
Harmful ultra-violet (B) radiation reaching the earth's surface is expected to result in a rise of 700 skin cancer cases a year for every 1 per cent decrease in the ozone layer.
This trend reflects a 23 per cent decrease in national carbon monoxide emissions.
Latest figures show an overall twenty seven per cent decrease in crimes reported in that area since the project began.
In addition to the introduction of contract miners, the defeat of the strike led to a 10 per cent decrease in wages and a restoration of a 48 hour work week.
A 7 per cent decrease in unit costs in real terms.
As a result, coca cultivation in Bolivia fell to 27,200 hectares in 2011 from 31,000 hectares in 2010 - a 12 per cent decrease.