Twenty five per cent of people who take the drug have bad effects.
In normal times, about 97.5 per cent of eligible people register.
Do the twenty per cent of people who now own shares vote differently as a result?
In the 2005 general election, only 37 per cent of British people aged from 18 to 24 even bothered.
By contrast in Barnsley the figure was 10.8 per cent of people.
Women are also more likely to leave work earlier, although only 15 per cent of people surveyed would admit to leaving early at all.
This is enough to help about 10 per cent of people to quit completely.
Around 94 per cent of people with Down's syndrome have this type.
About 62 per cent of people spoke English at home.
It is found throughout the world, and about 5-15 per cent of people are infected.