Yet people often become distressed when the center advises them to watch the animal for a few hours, or e-mail a digital picture, before sounding the alarm.
The centers do not advise the use of any preventive medication for dysentery.
The disease-control centers have advised health workers to use precautions like latex gloves to avoid all contact with patients' blood.
Instead, the center advises governments on the best practices for dealing with issues like tourism around their sites.
The centers also advised a state commission that examined the higher fatality rate for Hispanic workers.
Her center routinely advised backcountry devotees to avoid north-facing slopes last year in her area.
The center would advise drivers of congested areas, weather, accidents, or any other blockage.
The center also advises giving low priority to debts that are secured only by your household goods, which are rarely seized for nonpayment.
The center advises pension funds and others on corporate governance and social issues affecting companies.
"Simple deception and operations security efforts pay off," the center advised.