It includes tests used to check left, right, center, left surround, right surround, and subwoofer.
The matrimonial bed was re-constructed and placed in the center of the gallery with visitors and guests surrounding it.
It's an example of a cD galaxy, with a bright center and a vast, diffuse envelope surrounding it.
Timarni is also known for its market as it plays role as a important center for the villages surrounding it.
The town serves as the medical, cultural, and federal center for the towns surrounding it.
The excavation showed a large number of structures as well as a plaza at the center of the town and a stockade surrounding the area.
In addition three companion retail centers surround the main mall:
The main commercial center of the city surrounds the square.
The town's historic center surrounds the church and former monastery complex of San Juan Bautista.
These are mostly located in the historic center and the colonias immediately surrounding it.