It stands in the high mountains of central Colorado in an area skiers call "God's Country".
Loaded with four 500-pound bombs, the warplane disappeared from radar over central Colorado, about 90 miles west of here.
Seitz soils are located on mountains, mainly in southwestern and central Colorado.
The highway runs north-south through Jackson and Grand counties in north central Colorado.
About 1.08 billion years ago, a large pool of magma formed under what is now central Colorado.
In fact, the pair's name is a play on the 303 area code, which covers central Colorado, including Boulder and Denver.
Its headwaters are in the Rocky Mountains of north central Colorado.
Up and especially down the mountain roads of north central Colorado, this was a brake-saving delight.
Apparently, Button turned 100 degrees off his flight path and flew 500 miles straight into central Colorado.
The canyon effectively marks the southwestern end of the Middle Park basin in north central Colorado.