In central Glasgow 16 km² are being rebuilt as an Enterprise Zone with special grants for new industries.
From central Glasgow, taxi fare to the park is about $10.50.
I cannot find information on the existence of earlier buildings, but in the 17th century the university was on central Glasgow's High Street.
After Junction 8 it diverges from the M8 which resumes a course for central Glasgow.
Weapon convoys regularly use the M8 motorway through central Glasgow.
In the heart of central Glasgow.
Even the local choice of eating outlets in central Glasgow, the restaurant is well used and at least half the staff use it every day.
All first year undergraduate students who apply and live more than 25 miles from central Glasgow are offered a place in one of the university's residences.
This means Monday to Saturday there is a train every 15 minutes to central Glasgow.
Four years ago an American consulting company was hired to devise a plan for revitalizing central Glasgow.