The tradition of the kobzar in Kuban migrated from central Ukraine.
With time, their center of power shifted northward into what is now western and central Ukraine.
The army grew as 35,000 soldiers of central Ukraine were joined by 50,000 Galicians.
Uman, a manufacturing center in central Ukraine, about 130 miles south of Kiev, has some 95,000 people.
At the beginning of 9th century a significant number of Varangians was present in central Ukraine.
At dawn on February 14 began the assault, as a result of which the first provincial city in central Ukraine was liberated.
Ukrainian is mainly spoken in western and central Ukraine.
It is an endemic of western and central Ukraine.
Tsarist rule over central Ukraine gradually replaced 'protection' over the subsequent decades.
The floyarka is often called a frilka or sometimes zubivka in central Ukraine.