Its central conceit is the idea that a person can transmit evil simply by touching a stranger.
The central conceit is of an idiot putting dumb and/or annoying questions to someone with more information than him/her.
This is the central conceit behind all these efforts: that games are uniquely good at teaching people how complex systems work.
One of the central conceits of these shows is that the living and the dead can have a final, healing conversation.
This is the central conceit of our economy.
The central conceit of the book is we need only look to children to discern the basic economic principles that should guide our society.
Gordon said that love is the central conceit of the episode.
Yet the film's central and rather macabre conceit may be its least interesting element.
But for a realist novel to succeed, certain central conceits must remain intact.
The poem's central conceit, the dialogue between heart and eye, was a period cliché.