The mistake did underscore the report's central finding - that the gap between knowledge of basic math and complex problem solving is still a large one.
The persistence of this effect into adulthood is a central finding of this important study.
The central finding was that the military was not employing as many Hispanics as it should.
The central finding is that 74 percent of Long Island's blacks would have to move to be evenly dispersed across the population.
Another central finding of the Christopher Commission was that such public complaints, also known as 1.81's, were ineffectively handled.
Previously the Mayor had not stated a firm position on the report's central finding, though he had praised the panel's findings in general.
"There's only so much our soldiers can accomplish," said another senior Defense Department official, echoing the report's central findings.
Our work was focused on one central finding in the research: news viewers want the real story.
Surely this contradicts Freud's central finding, doesn't it?
The central finding is the continuing lack of evidence that Iraq had any large-scale programs to make illicit weapons.