Every detail hit my eyes as too small, and unequal to the central myth of my life.
Her central myth served as the context for the secret rites of regeneration at Eleusis, which promised immortality to initiates.
The screenplay's enthusiasm for the mythological aspects of the story is clearly genuine, and the central myth indeed seems apt in a modern setting.
But none of this, while it keeps you watching, is enough to compensate for the lack of a commanding central myth.
Since the founding of Pakistan, in 1947, one of the country's central myths has been the indispensability of the Army.
From urban matters, the philosopher turned his gaze to what he saw as the central myth of our times, the myth of the machine.
It is an acting out of the central myth of the military, with an ending that could go either way.
This is the central modern myth, which the Positivists propagated and everyone today accepts as fact.
"This was one of the central myths used by the Soviet educational system," said one Westerner.
Both answers tear at central myths in the Palestinian version of history.