Three days passed before the records from his central operations were finally delivered to the backup site in Pennsylvania.
We'd made it to central operations a bit more straightforwardly than I might have preferred.
If we don't amputate to save the central operation, there won't be any jobs left at all.'
Instead, Ahmanson is spending $75 million to move its mortgage processing from 100 local offices into two central operations.
The new building enabled the bank to house all its administrative offices and central operations in one location.
Despite all the talk in Europe about one market, nations still count for more than the central operation.
The allegations, which are mostly anonymous, deal with situations in the central and decentralized operations.
"Trust" was a concept both central to and alien from intelligence operations.
However, investigators are sure that the same man - and central operation - is behind all of the schemes.
A central operations naval command was also slated to be set up in Mogadishu.