There is a central skylight also elliptical.
Light from the central skylight gave the whole complex an alien, futuristic appearance.
The building has a domed roof with a large central skylight which provided natural light for the skating rink below.
When sunlight pours through the roof's central skylight, the staircase shimmers.
But at the very top, under the museum's vast central skylight, there is a change of atmosphere.
It consists of a mosaic pattern on the central skylight.
The wonderfully enormous room was flooded with light from the domed central skylight above.
The library and the dining room both feature elaborate domed ceilings with central skylights.
At one point, a blue tarp was stretched over the leaking central skylight to keep out the rain.
Each one was conceived as a small arena theater with a central skylight to serve students working from a live model.