In theory, this was supposed to be a highly centralized form of administration, but it's dark weakness was that it was very unstable.
The former centralized form of government became decentralized through devolution.
Pergen wanted to unify the system of internal security in the hereditary lands in a centralized and modernized form.
Having only established a centralized form of government in 1922, Sigma Chi was installing new chapters at a rate of about one chapter per year.
In practice, this ideal, extremely centralized form of commune was not instituted in most areas.
Clans preceded more centralized forms of community organization and government; they are located in every country.
In cases of collapse civilizations tend to revert to less complex, less centralized socio-political forms using simpler technology.
During one debate, she defended her call for a less centralized, more representative form of government, saying: "Democracy is like love.
Kuku have no centralized form of administrative authority.
It's also a period of our history that greatly influenced the centralized form of our government.