The establishment of the AcSIR allows for a centralized institution to manage this research.
Advocates of prisoners' rights called for the closing of Southport as the state's centralized institution for housing its most troublesome inmates.
These centralized institutions were often linked with loose governmental bodies, though oversight and quality consequently varied.
Offenders were now ferried across water or into walled compounds to centralized institutions of the criminal justice system hidden from public view.
Culturally, we seem to have lost the desire for centralized institutions of any kind.
As our top-heavy, centralized institutions die, we are rebuilding from the bottom up.
- Similarly, society's centralized institutions whose very existence relied upon hierarchies were crumbling everywhere.
Regardless of the actual date, this period marks the beginning of Nri kingship as a centralized institution.
Guided by the Machine Age belief in centralized institutions and scientific rationality, they wanted to protect the public interest with government agencies run by experts.
It was dissolved in 1984, although its mandate was maintained by successive, less centralized institutions.